The grayish filly is Isis (her nickname, actually--I don't know how to spell her full name), and she was the little girl who lost her mom not to long ago. It was hard on her--having her and her mom's stall all to herself, but she got through it. For a while she was turned out in the outdoor arena with one of the younger "ponies" for company, but now that the other three foals are weaned she can go out in the paddock with them. This went over *very* well with her. She now spends her days chasing the two colts around, particularly Caspian, who she chases and bites on the butt. It's very cute.
I'm ashamed to say that I forgot the other colt's name. It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite recall it. He's been quite the rockstar--as soon as I was out there with my camera he was fighting with Isis for Prime Spot (aka in my face). As Toler's masseur says, "this is myspace, not facebook." (Go ahead, say it out loud; you know it's going to be your favorite personal-bubble comeback.) XD