Thursday, December 3, 2009

IntenseDebate Comments

Hey all,

Thanks to Magaly, over at Pagan Culture, I have switched over to IntenseDebate for my comments template. This means that now comments on my blog can be threaded. I can reply to people directly, and, if they want, they can choose to be alerted when I (or others) reply to their comment(s). This does mean, however, that you'll need to put in an email address and name (and your website, if you so choose) the first time you use it.

I'm hoping that this will encourage more comments and maybe even continue into threaded conversations.

If anyone needs help using IntenseDebate, let me know. If you need help using IntenseDebate for the first time, the easiest way to let me know would be to comment on a post older than this one (Give, Take, for instance) and CHECK BACK for my assistance. (Manually checking back yourself for my reply is the key, here.)

Thanks everyone for sticking with me! <3