Another practice photo from this last weekend, featuring the fisheye optic for the new lens. The fisheye optic will perhaps prove to be the toughest lens accessory to get used to and comfortable with. I love it, but I've never used anything like it before. I find sometimes that it's hard for me to see the subject in the viewfinder well enough to make sure it's in focus, which provides some difficulty I wouldn't have expected. The other thing is simply drawing up a new creative curtain in my mind--how best to compose an image for the fisheye lens. Especially in the realm of equine photography. I have a feeling it'll be a stickler in my mind for several weeks, and I might be doing a lot of image searching of large angle and fisheye photography. A little bit of research inspires quite a lot. ;)

I'm sure you'll figure it out. And you have it all under control you'll feel even better about it because it was so difficult to get there. Yep, that's the characteristic of the human animal, no matter how much we complain about something been too hard, we are never terribly attracted to anything too easy.
Magaly, Thanks. And so true. =)
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