I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I wanted to post it today so I didn't miss it. I will be spending the day with family, playing games, and feasting. =D
"Make shit up." -Michael Allen Parker. Following that advice, I make a lot of shit up. I suppose that's why I write fiction. Magic realism and fantasy, to be exact, in both short fiction and novel-length forms. I also do a bit of poetry, compose a little, take lots of photos, and ride/train/show my horse. When I'm not doing any of that I'm probably thinking up a lot of crazy things, whether in truth or in jest.
I showed your pic to my niece and she said "Eyelashes!"
I said "No baby, that's a horse."
She stared at if for a while and asked me "What happen to the rest of it?"
We went through your blog and looked at ALL you pictures, now you have a 5-year-old fan!
I hope you had the best of Thanksgivings.
Magaly-- Aww, that's adorable! <3 And yes, I had an awesome Thanksgiving!
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