A bonus image for today, because I got done with everything earlier than I'd anticipated. =) This one's not on my DA account yet.
So far I've had horse-related images here, so I suppose (for the few following me who don't know me as well) I should explain a little. I love horses, yes, I'm an addict. I own a horse (my baby), named Toler. His full name is Itolocus, which is the name of Hercules' best friend, also known to be quite the lady charmer. (And believe me, the name holds true.) Anyway. He lives not even five minutes from my home at a great stable where he has lots of friends (and a harem, I might add). So, I take a lot of pictures not only of my babes, but also of the other horses.
And, because I can, here's a picture of Toler, acting all noble: