Here's to winter.
So, an explanation of my posting absence. (I'm sure you've all missed me so much.)
When I came home for break, I had intended on posting *new* pictures everyday--of Toler, other horses at the stable, the cats at home, odd random things, whatever came to mind and inspired my finger to hit the shutter release button. Well, my intentions were dashed by the ridiculous fact that I left the charger for my beautiful Pentax K10D AT MY DORM. UGH. I was so mad at myself.
As I had intended on posting *new* pictures, I didn't put much of anything on my laptop's hard drive (as I keep all my photos on my external drive at my dorm), which essentially meant I didn't have anything to post.
So where did these pictures come from? (And the pictures from this post, which might have been missed by my followers because it was posted out of time.)
Well, you see, my parents have a shit-tastic digital camera. I REALLY hate to use it--those simple point and shoot digital cameras are waaay better than this thing, I mean, it really is useless. But, I got desperate. Especially when the kitties (I have two cats at home) started to snuggle one day. Just because I hate using the camera so much, don't expect me to post much of anything else for another week. Yes, I go back to the dorm this next weekend, so I will once again have access to my camera battery charger. Unfortunately I will have missed out on the MONTH's worth of taking pictures of interesting things. (Sorry, but campus really doesn't have much interesting on it. At least not that I care to take pictures of, which I suppose really says something considering I love to take pictures. How sad.)
So, that's that, I suppose.
I hope everyone had a wonderful winter holiday and will continue to have a superb new year!
So, an explanation of my posting absence. (I'm sure you've all missed me so much.)
When I came home for break, I had intended on posting *new* pictures everyday--of Toler, other horses at the stable, the cats at home, odd random things, whatever came to mind and inspired my finger to hit the shutter release button. Well, my intentions were dashed by the ridiculous fact that I left the charger for my beautiful Pentax K10D AT MY DORM. UGH. I was so mad at myself.
As I had intended on posting *new* pictures, I didn't put much of anything on my laptop's hard drive (as I keep all my photos on my external drive at my dorm), which essentially meant I didn't have anything to post.
So where did these pictures come from? (And the pictures from this post, which might have been missed by my followers because it was posted out of time.)
Well, you see, my parents have a shit-tastic digital camera. I REALLY hate to use it--those simple point and shoot digital cameras are waaay better than this thing, I mean, it really is useless. But, I got desperate. Especially when the kitties (I have two cats at home) started to snuggle one day. Just because I hate using the camera so much, don't expect me to post much of anything else for another week. Yes, I go back to the dorm this next weekend, so I will once again have access to my camera battery charger. Unfortunately I will have missed out on the MONTH's worth of taking pictures of interesting things. (Sorry, but campus really doesn't have much interesting on it. At least not that I care to take pictures of, which I suppose really says something considering I love to take pictures. How sad.)
So, that's that, I suppose.
I hope everyone had a wonderful winter holiday and will continue to have a superb new year!