My second acrylic painting. Sadly it doesn't photograph very well--the background is a layered color wash and looks much more vibrant in person, with navies, greens, oranges, and a little bit of purple and red. The only thing I can get to show well in a digital version is the green, the navy looks black, but you can see the brush strokes for the most part. The grays also take on a green tint, which is not the case on the physical canvas. Oh well, I try.
It took me a long time to prep, mostly because I'm such a perfectionist that I had to do a full-size sketch of the horse and rider separately before I even started on canvas. My poor painting prof gave me grief for it, but he understood I'm too stubborn to persuade to "just go for it." (He finally got me to work on letting go when we were doing our oil paintings.)
For this piece I wanted to convey the transcending feeling I experience when Toler and I "click," when everything just fits together naturally and we lose the sense of reality around us. I associate that feeling most as the goal of dressage. So I decided to represent it by a dressage movement, abstracting the forms so they become flame-like, or at least disentangled from true physical weight.
Oh wow, you are so very gifted. You know, Pagan Culture will need a new look soon, we might have to talk my young artist ;)
Magaly: Thank you! I do have some experience designing banners and website themes. I'm not good with the coding, but I can do graphic customization. I'll be adding some contact links to my blog's sidebar, so feel free to use one or comment if you want to get a hold of me.
I must definitely will! I told you once that I loved what you can do with images and how you translate beautiful words into visual miracles. I feel fully confident that I can write a description of what I want for Pagan Culture and between the two of us can make very real.
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