Yes, I've been away from this blog for a while...school's been catching up with me. Tomorrow is the last day of classes, though, then a "week" of finals (mine are Monday and Tuesday) and then I graduate!
Hells yeah!
Pre-graduation-shit-gathering aside, I thought I'd post a few pictures today. They were all taken at the same time as the previous post; same location. =)

There was a stand of birch trees (the property was named for "land of the birch") and they were all loosing their papery bark, undoubtedly assisted by some deer I'm sure, but they were gorgeous. Some looked like wounds, others like they were finally breaking free--like caterpillars into moths, I suppose. You'll probably believe me when I say I took a lot of pictures. ;)

I really liked how the tree had an "inner glow" to it.
Funny, when I started the post I thought "Make up" hm, this should be interesting. But I was actually thinking 'makeup', so I was expecting a post that had something to do with using trees to make them or something... silly I know.
I'm glad it was about making up for not being around for a while and you did great because this pics are amazing, and so is the writing attached to it.
Thanks for sharing and I hope everything goes great with school.
Haha, I totally thought about that when I titled the post, and then I thought, nahh, it's a stylistically separate word. XP
Thanks! It's not really the ending of school I'm worried about, it's what I'm going to do with my degree (besides be broke, broke, broke). *sigh*
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