Here's another of the little colt, well, of half of him anyway. :p He has a cute butt.
Shots like these are why I LOVE working with the hasselblad (and why I'm going to miss it so much)--be sure to click on the photo to enlarge it. The hasselblad catches so much detail and vibrancy, it transforms the ordinary.
You have a way with a camera and with words, I think I told you that already, but I've always said that good things are worth repeating.
I can usually see things better through writing, but you have kind of changed that. I love the way you combine images and writing to give a complete picture.
Aw, thanks Magaly. I love being able to share the way I see things with people. In the end I think that's what all art is--whether visual or written--it's not just a window with a view beyond it, it's a way of seeing. =)
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