A bonus post for the day. This was taken over Memorial Day weekend, when I went home to shoot the last rolls of film for my photography project. The first day I went out to shoot (with my mother acting as trusty horse-holder and poser), the arena was really, really soggy. It kind of had the consistency of a slushie drink--gloppy at the top, and complete soup at the bottom. Toler took one look at it and HAD to roll. There was no stopping him. (This, of course, after we'd spent thirty minutes brushing him and shining his coat and combing his mane and tail.) He got down and rolled, groaning in complete bliss the whole time. Afterwards, he felt so content with himself he didn't want to cooperate at all--just wanted to make mischief. So I took one roll and saved the rest for the next day, after snapping a few with my digital, of course.
Cute ;)
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