As I mentioned, I used my fisheye attachment quite a bit with my Lensbaby up North. Here's one of my favorites of the creek. When I was young, I used to wade and swim in the creek that went past the cabin. There was a deeper pool next to a bridge we used to fish at, too. But in the past ten or so years, there has been a drought and the creek was at a standstill for a long time. Just exposed rocks and tadpoles and mosquito dens. There is no greater sense of time than looking at the changes of nature. A favorite spot from twenty years ago you remember better than yesterday's breakfast, so unfamiliar now it has become a ghost. Land becomes a part of us, part of our identity and personal mythology, the magnetic pole for our compass. No matter how far we stray, in the end we're looking for a reincarnation of that spot and the way it made us feel alive.