I just finished with a small batch of photos. =)
I have a confession to make with this one. I was really excited about it after taking it because I knew I just loved the basic composition of it. The little mushroom habitating a little cliff formed from a root in the steep slope of a creek's bank. I loved the debris and reflection and texture of the creek in the upper-left corner. I loved the root defining the edge between bank and water.
And then I had a full-out spazz attack when I got home and realized that I must have moved the focus ring while taking the photo. It was blurry, but in an almost distorted way. And I hadn't taken a second picture. Usually all I need is one, but I have to admit that always using a digital camera has made me into a shutter bug--these days I usually take two or three shots of even a simple photo. Simply because I can. I have the card space, and it's not hard to delete an image after I upload it to the computer.
So, here I was with a shot I'd loved the idea of, and it was practically unusable. At least at first. Then I thought about it for a while. And GIMP popped into my head. Specifically my Lomo effect plugin.
Lomo to save the day. I mean, it's not perfect. I would have prefered the picture to have turned out without digitally manipulating it. But at least this way I can still be happy with it. =)