This has become one of my favorite photos from this last summers' foal shoots. I color-treated it in Lightroom to bring out that sunny radiance, but otherwise didn't touch it. Taking it was one of those moments, looking through the viewfinder, I thought "well, one silhouette shot can be okay..."
Today I'm going to sit down and finish processing all the amaryllis photos. (Haha, this little shutterbug took 90 of it. Some were macro lensbaby, though, and with that you kind of need to shoot like crazy.) Then I'm going to fiddle around with Lightroom's web-gallery module.
Beloved readers, I'm thinking about making a website. I found some free flash builders I like (Wix and Moonfruit), then I thought, maybe I should just look into webhosts (I'm thinking I like iPage) and build one with a custom domain name. Ideally, my website would include a few photo galleries, pages on my writing/painting/composition, a general bio, contact page with network links, and a feed of this blog. I don't want to stop blogging with Blogger. I've grown too attached to my little Blogger circle. The only problem is that I don't really know anything about building/maintaining websites let alone what one should look for in webhosts. *le sigh* I kind of feel like my university should have made a basic web-designing course required for graduation. It would have gone so much further than their required freshman studies courses...