And this is why Toler is such a good boy: I'm out in the paddock taking photos, and suddenly it dawns on me (in that photographer's idea sort of way where no thought actually occurs) that it would just be "so totally awesome" to get a macro shot of his hoof line. So, I give Toler (standing very statue-like in the middle of the hay) a pat on the shoulder and crouch down on the hay with my face (and expensive camera) not three inches from his hoof where I proceed to fuss with the exposure settings and focus. Any other horse probably wouldn't have noticed that I was down there and smacked me. Toler? Nope. He acted as though it were the most usual thing to do. (Though, at the end, he did decide that I had treat on my back. Tricksty two-leggers and their complex blanket-skins, but there *had* to be a treat somewhere on my back. Maybe hiding behind my ponytail and bandanna. No? All right then.)
Anyway. I'm not sure I like how the shot turned out, but, at least it was fun to take. XD