Some more equine macro for you, taken the same time as the previously posted ones.
These are images of whorls (not sure if there is a technical term for them)--spots on a horse's coat where the direction of hair changes. Not all horsemen(/horsewomen) realize, but whorls are like equine fingerprints. There are general locations for them, but every horse's whorls are unique. In exact location, in shape, in size. I had thought it would be fun to go through the horses at the barn (some of them, at least) and do a macro series on their individual whorls. I still might do that; just have to work out a notation method and get around to it. We'll see.

In other, completely unrelated news: I might be a little scarce for the next few days. The replacement hard drive for this machine will (hopefully) be arriving. So, I'll have that to install and an entire system to rebuild. I've been going through all the files on here, so that should be taken care of. Still, it's a lot of work getting a system back up and running, as I'm sure at least a few of you are aware of. I do have a laptop I could post from, but something tells me I'll be too busy to think about it. (Well, to think about anything other than checking email, which I'm compulsive about...) I'll see you soon, beloved readers! Until then, fare thee well. =)