So. There are a whole bunch of photos I'd sworn I'd posted on my photoblog, but if I did there appears to be no record of them. I put them on my DA account, so maybe I'm just thinking of that. Anyway. I might be posting some of them here for the next few days, mostly because I really like them, but my apologies to those who have already seen them.
Also, for this post: my goals for 2010! I don't really do resolutions. I find them generally rather pointless. But I decided that, this year, I would outline things I hope to do. I'm not necessarily resolving to do them (all). I'm not posting them all here, mostly because this is my photoblog rather than my personal journal (I have an LJ for that), so I'm just posting a few writing, art, and riding related goals here.
- Complete the overhaul of my fantasy novel, preferably by the end of March.
- Start working again (finally) on my Norse literary/magic realism novel. It is *long* overdue.
- Perhaps start working on a sci-fi novel. The ideas are there, and the MC is getting very persistent. Poor guy has a rough road destined for him.
- Design and start to shoot a non-equine photo series. There are a few things I'd like to do. Some technical problems will have to be resolved.
- Work out the technical kinks involved with my pinhole/zone plate optic, such as a good light metering system, lighting concept for indoor and outdoor work, shutter (I have to learn how to use the bulb setting, really, as there isn't a setting for long-enough exposure times I need).
- Find space to paint. I miss it.
- Ideally, I'd love to start saving to buy a used Hasselblad. I really miss working with it. My old photo profs claim you could find them on ebay for between 50-100 bucks. Perhaps they have super powers for finding such deals...I have had no such luck. Unless I'm remembering it wrong, which seems more likely.
- Retrain The Moose. Again. Ideally for the last time. Or else I shall bubble-wrap him.
- Finish teaching him the half-step so I can start training the piaffe. Might be a long-shot, considering the causes leading to the need for goal #8.
- Start jumping again. Some of my readers know about the jumping accident my moose and I had two summers ago--while we're jumping small stuff, we're not even back to jumping 2'3" yet, and I see no reason for this. It will even help with goal #8.