Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I hate when I don't have new (as in from a new shoot) photos to share. Yes, there are tons of photos you guys haven't seen. Matter of fact, I might just track down some older (~2008) photos and start posting them, just for something "new." There's a bunch that I had up on my Uber gallery when Uber died and I lost my pretty gallery and site. (Uber was a really slick build-your-own website geared towards artists of any kind. I gathered quite a few artist friends on Uber, some of whom I still see on Facebook (where we fled after our online palaces were destroyed, mostly because nearly everyone already had a Facebook profile.) Anyway, my point is, after I lost that online gallery, there were a bunch of photos I just never dug out to put back online. We'll see. I have a bunch of reading to catch up on today, and a horse to run around. (I'm going to be evil and make him work his "mooscles" today.) Just one more photo for you before I go:

And they say horses don't smile. =) (Now, really. What did you think it was? Mwahahaa.)