Hello fellow readers! Remember me? I wouldn't expect you to, to be honest. Yes, I've been away for a rather long time. I didn't really even keep up with my reading list, and for that I am doubly sorry.
The ol' family desktop died on us at the end of December, but I was lucky enough to get a new machine. A very fast, gorgeous one that has yet to leave me anything other than amazed.
I'm finally getting back into the swing of working with my photos, and I must say, it's much more rewarding now that I don't have to wait for some aspect of the program to load every minute and a half. I also bought a new version of Photoshop Elements, which has me highly amused right now as well. (Forthcoming post on that tomorrow.)
In short, I'm back. With "new" photos to post, even.
The creek in the North Woods. I desaturated most colors except for blues, purples, and magentas so I could really bring out this tone. A little extra black clipping and punch, a touch of extra highlights and I love its strength.
I hope everyone had an excellent holiday season, and the new year has treated you well thus far!