I did a photoshoot with Toler the other day. =) Got him all cleaned up and took him to one of the resting paddocks to turn loose. He was so excited about the long grass (all to himself), he wasn't sure if he wanted to prance around or eat. So, he chose a combination of both. (See the chunk of grass in his mouth? Haha.)
I didn't do a terribly good job picking the time of day and weather, though. The sky was all over the place, lighting between really dark and rainy-like and too much direct sunlight. And, because I was out there on my own (meaning I had to both direct the horse via lunge-whip and man my camera), I knew I wasn't going to be able to cater to the lighting for every shot. Welcome Sensitivity Priority Mode.
So, I have a ton of shots. Of course, because they are all of Toler, I like every single one of them. Even if they're ridiculous or photographically awful. This one, however, is currently one of my favorites. It's the only one I've had time to work on yet, and I gave it a bit of extra attention for an added punch. I wanted a near-HDR look with it, with lots of radiance, contrast, lights, darks, and most importantly, I wanted to keep the sky. I ended up giving it a warmer temp treatment and then splicing two versions of it together in GIMP (a photoshop-like program). I used a brighter version for Toler and the grass, and added in the sky from a darker version, and smoothed it together. All of that work makes me really miss the dark room and custom-made dodging and burning tools. Sooooo much simpler. XD