Thursday, October 21, 2010

Andromeda Skies

A snapshot of the filly I took and wound up really liking. I think it's the combination of her mother falling asleep behind her and the small lens flair by her eye, but there's just something about it.

This is what Andromeda wanted to do while I was trying to photograph her. She was much too friendly and sweet, so I had to half-heartedly scare her a little, after which she started galloping. And then she realized that she wanted to gallop and really got moving.

There was a moment that I almost smashed my camera on purpose, though. So in the paddock they're in, there's a "mountain range" of fill that just never got smoothed out before the grass came in, I guess. Anyway, I was standing next to it looking towards the trees in the background, and Andromeda came running up from behind me and jumped the fill. It was the PERFECT shot. The perfect angle, the perfect baby jump, the perfect background and lighting. I was following her with everything in focus, I had the shot lined up, and the second I released the shutter, my camera chose that second to inform me that the battery was low (not out) and thus DID NOT TAKE THE PHOTO. I was absolutely infuriated. There I am, standing in the middle of the horse paddock with the filly galloping around, swearing at my camera at the top of my lungs. Haha, oh, man.