Sunday, July 19, 2009

Better where you are

I've meant to post a newsy update for quite a while. My most sincere apologies on that front.

I've been rather caught up with unpacking and getting settled. I don't work well when I don't have a designated space for myself. I typically need somewhere that is only mine--something that does not exist at home. As a result unpacking and getting settled is a very slow process. It's only been in the past week that I've gotten the desk in my room (which houses the family desktop) cleaned off enough to put my laptop on. I've also translated "my own space" into a specific time-place conditional--I can only do anything creative at my desk at night when everyone else is asleep, as I have complete, uninterrupted control of the space. That's fine; I'm a night-owl and morning-wolf, so I make it work fine. Hopefully soon I can tackle the basement here and clean that out so I can use it as my painting studio. Theoretically I could comandeer a table-type object and use it as a writing/image-processing station as well. I don't know if our wireless will transmit in the deep, though...Hmm.

Anyway. That is my excuse for not posting anything lately. It might be a while, still. I finally got a semblance of a place, so, of course, my computer starts acting up. I think I got it all sorted out as of last night, but I'm not entirely sure yet (it was a war of wars). So, until my laptop cooperates consistently for a while, I'm not trusting it with my photos (which are stored safely on my external hard drive).

I promise to post something as soon as possible, though. I hope all is well with you all! (And, yes, I have a lot of reading to catch up on!)


v said...

Hey, my womyn! I'm glad you're doing OK. I've been meaning to catch you on a chat sometime. Wondering if perhaps you still had that article on the Nordic idea of the animal soul and shapeshifting? Remember the one?'d be great to chit chat. *HUGS*

Emma said...

Thanks Gran--I'll email you about the article. =)