At least I come bearing news and fresh photos!
A few weeks ago (the end of March, actually, I think) I went with a barn friend to watch our young riders at a jumping schooling show. I used to take Toler to those shows all the time, but hadn't been there in five years or so; it was nice to see how the place had (or had not) changed. Our girls did *great!* They placed well in nearly all their classes and we even had some division awards. =)

Here's a photo of one of the girls on Talisman, probably the cutest pony I've ever met. They make a really cute pair out in the show ring. Talisman's got an unmistakably flashy spunk to him. I was able to take a lot of cute pictures of them.
And now for my bigger news...I started a new blog! It's an equestrian-specific blog chronicling the (re)training journey of Toler and myself. It will probably be a bit equine-terminology-heavy, but I welcome everyone to follow it if you're interested--even if you're not a horse person. I'll be doing day-by-day (or event-by-event) training posts, sharing exercise diagrams, general horse talk, tack and bitting talk, equine nutrition and health, and general equestrian theory and book discussion.
I present Not Quite Hercules!