Taken this last weekend while I was at home. I checked out the hasselblad from the sudio (looooove that camera) but decided I'd just use my digital as a light meter. So, this was one of two shots that I "took." I didn't even set up the shot, really. Just held it up and clicked the shutter. To my delight, this was the result. I trimmed a little off the side, but other than that this is completely untouched. Sometimes luck does come my way, eh?
Anyway. The weekend was crazy weather-wise. One minute it would be partly cloudy and the next it would be raining. Consequently the outdoor arena (where this was taken) was flooded; and since Toler was inside nearly all weekend simply because the paddocks were so muddy, I didn't have a choice but to put him in the outdoor arena. There were puddles everywhere, and I figured Toler would look at them and do his best to avoid him--as he usually does. He's not necessarily afraid of them like other horses, he just doesn't want to bother with getting wet. But, if I ask him to walk through a puddle he figures he'd better propperly get wet and tries to make the biggest splashes he can. It's pretty funny.
Back to my point, though--I let him loose so I can get out my camera and make sure the film is loaded and the shutter is cocked. I turn around to find Toler standing in a puddle drinking. Sandy, mucky water. I yell out his name, tell him "no," but he doesn't so much as flick an ear at me he's so content with himself. So I walk over, my hands full with two cameras, and give him a few jabs on the rump with my elbow. Nothing but slurps. I had to practically drag him up by the halter to get him to stop drinking much less move away from the puddle. I talk to him a lot, so while I'm walking with him I ask him what he thought he was doing, and he clearly didn't know what the problem was. Sandy, mucky water? While there's fresh, clean water in his stall (that he just left) waiting for him? Clearly I am the foolish one.
(He's such a dork; he tried to go back to the puddle every chance he got. I had to hold onto his lead rope the whole time I was taking photos in the arena. I eventually gave up and let him eat grass outside the arena while I took photos. I love him anyway.)
What? You don't like muddy water? Sheesh. Yeah, the weather has been crazy lately. Beautiful and sunny, then rainy, windy and looking stormy. I could use a good storm.
Hope you're well! Miss you!
Haha, I know. He was just so pleased with himself, too. Maybe the sand grit made it taste mineral-ly? *sighs*
Thanks, I'm not doing too bad! I miss you too!
He is soooooooooo beautiful! Look at those, um... I mean, look at the eye! *going back to to look at picture* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I know, I'm a sucker for beauty, especially when it's untouched.
Thanks, Magaly! =)
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