Yep! These were taken who-knows-when. Well, I was very little, that's for sure. I can't even remember that day. (And don't ask me what I'm doing there. I have NO idea.)

I clearly have "The Thinker" pose down. And without any classical training. I must be a natural!
I have more up at my lj, if anyone's friends with me there and want to check them out. (If you're not, or don't have an lj account, you could probably persuade me to post the others here with some begging.)
I couldn't really help but to post these two here. They're my favorites. They were taken at my grandma and grandpa's, in the backyard. My mother mentioned raspberries, so perhaps we all went raspberry picking (they have a gorgeous garden, with all sorts of delicious edibles). They even still have that red bench. It's not in the same place, but it's there. =)
I had my mom and dad dig these out for me because, for my next photo assignment, I'm supposed to mimic or re-create a photo from my childhood. I don't much like photos of myself, but these ones instantly popped into my head. So, here they are. Enjoy.
Oh my gods, you were so...
If I ever hear "kyoooot" again I might have to throw some skunks. :p
aww! sooo cute. what an adorable little mini Rodin model. I'll have to check out your other pics...
Great photos! isn't it calming to be taken back in time through old photos?
Wow, you really were adorable! Look at that gorgeous hair! No wonder you're still so beautiful now! (;
CB: Haha, you know it. XP
Curious Curandera: Thanks! It really is, well, something. I don't know that I'd call it calming. Perhaps surreal in a meditative or sublime way. Perhaps.
Gran: Thanks hon. LOL. I kind of miss that hair. My mom never did anything to it and yet it looks just fine. And light-Viking-blond! XP
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