Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Herd Dynamics II

The next image in the series. When I first saw this image on my contact sheet, I didn't like it. I don't know why not, but it just didn't strike me. I printed it mostly because one of my photo profs, Julie, kept emphasizing how much she liked it. Since printing it, I've grown rather attached to it.

I had to do some careful split-filtering with it. The original had a much grayer shade to the surrounding snow and not much black, but a higher contrast filter just made it grainy and too black. So, I used a five-second exposure with an extremely high contrast filter and then switched to a low contrast filter for a longer exposure, during which I did a little bit of dodging on the right (Toler's) side for symmetrical tone. It was fun to do something moderately complicated, though. =)

Again, you can click on it to take you to a full-sized view.


Pan Historia said...

It's funny how, as artists, we often don't like something that really speaks to the viewer. This is one of my favorites of your series, and I really like all of them very much.

I'm glad it's growing on you too.

Wyatt at Pan Historia

StarStrider said...

Yeah, that is funny. I don't usually have that sort of difference in opinion, but every now and then I have to learn to appreciate something.

Thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed them!