Lately I've been braiding Toler before I ride, mostly for practice as I haven't done it in years, but also because I thought it would be a good way to strengthen my hands. That, and braiding is tooted as massage-like for horses, which I would tend to believe, depending on the braiding being done.
I finally found a method that's easiest (to do and on my hands), and even stays in better while riding. So, I took my camera yesterday and took some pictures. This one was taken after our ride, and you can see it's a little looser, but still hanging in well. I had to do some photoshop here, adding a duplicate layer in watercolor effect than blending it in with the original photo to add a little richness to the details, and a bit of extra weight to the blacks. I just thought the wrap-around composition was cute for showing off a braid.
I'm doing a little blog-meshing today, so if you want to see more braided-horse photos, check out Not Quite Hercules. I'm on my way to post them right...now.